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  • Natalia Piotrowska, Anna Pazdur, Sławomira Pawełczyk, Andrzej Z Rakowski, Barbara Sensuła, Konrad Tudyka, 2020. Human Activity Recorded in Carbon Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 in Gliwice Urban Area and Surroundings (Southern Poland) in the Years 2011–2013. Radiocarbon: 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.92 [Crossref]
  • Marzena Kłusek, Michael Grabner, Sławomira Pawełczyk, Jacek Pawlyta, 2019. An 1800-year stable carbon isotope chronology based on sub-fossil wood from Lake Schwarzensee, Austria. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514: 65–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.10.003 [Crossref]
  • Piotrowska N., Tomczyk J., Pawełczyk S., Stanaszek L.M., 2019. Radiocarbon AMS Dating of Mesolithic Human Remains from Poland. Radiocarbon 61(4): 991–1007. https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2018.66 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Shestakova T.A., Voltas J., Saurer M., Berninger F., Esper J., Andreu-Hayles L., Daux V., Helle G., Leuenberger M., Loader N.J., Masson-Delmotte V., Saracino A., Waterhouse J.S., Schleser G.H., Bednarz Z., Boettger T., Dorado-Liñán I., Filot M., Frank D., Grabner M., Haupt M., Hilasvuori E., Jungner H., Kalela-Brundin M., Krąpiec M., Marah H., Pawełczyk S., Pazdur A., Pierre M., Planells O., Pukienė R., Reynolds-Henne C.E., Rinne-Garmston (Rinne) K.T., Rita A., Sonninen E., Stiévenard M., Switsur V.R., Szychowska-Kra̧piec E., Szymaszek M., Todaro L., Treydte K., Vitas A., Weigl M., Wimmer R., Gutiérrez E., 2019. Spatio-temporal patterns of tree growth as related to carbon isotope fractionation in European forests under changing climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(9): 1295–1309. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12933 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Frank D.C., Poulter B., Saurer M., Esper J., Huntingford C., Helle G., Treydte K., Zimmermann N.E., Schleser G.H., Ahlström A., Ciais P., Friedlingstein P., Levis S., Lomas M., Sitch S., Viovy N., Andreu-Hayles L., Bednarz Z., Berninger F., Boettger T., D'alessandro C.M., Daux V., Filot M., Grabner M., Gutierrez E., Haupt M., Hilasvuori E., Jungner H., Kalela-Brundin M., Krapiec M., Leuenberger M., Loader N.J., Marah H., Masson-Delmotte V., Pazdur A., Pawelczyk S., Pierre M., Planells O., Pukiene R., Reynolds-Henne C.E., Rinne K.T., Saracino A., Sonninen E., Stievenard M., Switsur V.R., Szczepanek M., Szychowska-Krapiec E., Todaro L., Waterhouse J.S., Weigl M., 2015. Water-use efficiency and transpiration across European forests during the Anthropocene. Nature Climate Change 5(6): 579–583. https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2614 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuła B., Opała M., Wilczyński S., Pawełczyk S., 2015. Long- and short-term incremental response of Pinus sylvestris L. from industrial area nearby steelworks in Silesian Upland, Poland. Dendrochronologia 36: 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2015.08.001 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Voelker S.L., Brooks J.R., Meinzer F.C., Roden J., Pazdur A., Pawelczyk S., Hartsough P., Snyder K., Plavcová L., Šantruček J., 2014. Reconstructing relative humidity from plant δ18O and δD as deuterium deviations from the global meteoric water line. Ecological Applications 24(5): 960–975. https://doi.org/10.1890/13-0988.1 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Kłusek M., Pawełczyk S.ł, 2014. Stable carbon isotope analysis of subfossil wood from Austrian Alps. Geochronometria 41(4): 400–408. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-013-0168-8 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Kuc T., Pawełczyk S., Piotrowska N., Sensuła B., Rozanski K., 2013. Carbon isotope composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide in southern Poland: Imprint of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in regional biosphere. Radiocarbon 55(2-3): 848–864. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16286 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Nadeau M.-J., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., Pawełczyk Sł., Piotrowska N., 2013. Radiocarbon method in environmental monitoring of CO2emission. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 294: 503–507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2012.07.017 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Nakamura T., Pawełczyk S., Pawlyta J., Piotrowska N., Rakowski A., Sensuła B., Szczepanek M., 2007. Carbon isotopes in tree rings: Climate and the suess effect interferences in the last 400 years. Radiocarbon 49(2): 775–788. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220004265X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Treydte K., Frank D., Esper J., Andreu L., Bednarz Z., Berninger F., Boettger T., D'Alessandro C.M., Etien N., Filot M., Grabner M., Guillemin M.T., Gutierrez E., Haupt M., Helle G., Hilasvuori E., Jungner H., Kalela-Brundin M., Krapiec M., Leuenberger M., Loader N.J., Masson-Delmotte V., Pazdur A., Pawelczyk S., Pierre M., Planells O., Pukiene R., Reynolds-Henne C.E., Rinne K.T., Saracino A., Saurer M., Sonninen E., Stievenard M., Switsur V.R., Szczepanek M., Szychowska-Krapiec E., Todaro L., Waterhouse J.S., Weigl M., Schleser G.H., 2007. Signal strength and climate calibration of a European tree-ring isotope network. Geophysical Research Letters 34(24). https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GL031106 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Szczepanek M., Pazdur A., Pawełczyk S., Böttger T., Haupt M., Hałas S., Bednarz Z., Krapiec M., Szychowska-Krapiec E., 2006. Hydrogen, carbon and oxygen isotopes in pine and oak tree rings from Southern Poland as climatic indicators in years 1900-2003. Geochronometria 25: 67–76. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawełczyk S., Pazdur A., 2004. Carbon isotopic composition of tree rings as a tool for biomonitoring CO2level. Radiocarbon 46(2): 701–719. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220003575X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawelczyk S., Pazdur A., Halas S., 2004. Stable carbon isotopic composition of tree rings from a pine tree from Augustów wilderness, Poland, as a temperature and local environment conditions indicator. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 40(2): 145–154. https://doi.org/10.1080/10256010410001671032 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Pawelczyk S., Pazdur A., 2001. Changes of14C concentration in modern trees from upper Silesia region, Poland. Radiocarbon 43(2 PART II): 679–687. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawełczyk S., Anna P., 2000. δ 13 C in tree rings α-cellulose. A methodology of measurements and interpretation: State of the art. Geochronometria 18: 15–18. [Scopus - Elsevier]

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