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Dyrekcja Instytutu Fizyki CND zaprasza wszystkich pracowników i studentów na Otwarte Seminarium Naukowe, które odbędzie się 10-02-2021 o godz. 15:00 w formie zdalnej za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Wykład p.t. „Wearable and Implantable Nanogenerators for Biomedical Applications” wygłosi Prof. Xudong Wang, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

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“Wearable and Implantable Nanogenerators for Biomedical Applications”


Prof. X. Wang, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Today, the emergence of wearable devices is rapidly reshaping the development of medical devices, pushing them from conventional bulky and rigid silicon electronics to flexible and primarily polymer-based systems. Among many types of functions, nanogenerators are developed as a unique device for converting biomechanical energy into electrical pulses. This talk will fist introduce the principles and materials development of flexible nanogenerators as an implantable power source. In additional to the electric output investigation, mechanical property tuning and biosafety and compatibility are particularly important for biomedical applications. In addition to be used as an electrical energy source, the pulsed electricity from nanogenerators can be applied directly as an electrostimulation (ES) signal for therapeutic treatment. In our recent research, we successfully implemented such an electromechanical system for skin wound healing, hair growth, and vagus nerve stimulation for obesity control. An electrical stimulation bandage was developed by integrating a flexible nanogenerator and a pair of dressing electrodes on a flexible substrate. Rat studies demonstrated rapid closure of a full-thickness rectangular skin wound within 3 days as compared to 12 days of usual contraction-based healing processes in rodents. Via a similar design, the electrical pulses were applied to stimulate hair growth.  Significantly facilitated hair regeneration results were obtained from Sprague-Dawley rats and nude mice. In another work, an implanted vagus nerve stimulation system was developed. It generates biphasic electric pulses in responsive to the peristalsis of stomach. The electric signals generated by this device stimulates the vagal afferent fibers to reduce food intake and achieve weight control. All the results bring a new concept in electrical therapeutic technology that is battery-free, self-activated and directly responsive to body activities.


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Topic: Seminarium w dniu 10 lutego 2021 godz: 15:00

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Meeting ID: 961 880 5240

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