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Zakład Geochronologii i Badań Izotopowych Środowiska

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Absolwent UJ, dr fizyki (1978), hab. z geologii (1990), prof. nauk o Ziemi (2001). Kierownik ZZR w latach 1995-2012 (status unijnego Centrum Doskonałości GADAM). Kierownik Gliwickiego Laboratorium Radiowęglowego. Dziedziny badań: datowanie radiowęglowe, bezwzględne skale czasu w naukach o Ziemi i archeologii, radiowęgiel i izotopy stabilne w środowisku. Wykładowca podstaw fizyki jądrowej, detekcji promieniowania jądrowego, fizyki ogólnej oraz geochemii izotopów, problemów środowiska lokalnego (FT i studia MADA).


Organizator międzynarodowych konferencji „Methods of Absolute Chronology”, redaktor naczelny “Geochronometrii”. Koordynator i wykonawca projektów unijnych w 5.PR i 6.PR oraz KBN i MNiSzW. Promotor 9 prac doktorskich.

Zespoły badawcze


  • Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B., De Vleeschouwer F., Mattielli N., Fagel N., Palowski B., Pazdur A., Smieja-Król B., 2018. Record of Anthropocene pollution sources of lead in disturbed peatlands from Southern Poland. Atmospheric Environment 179: 61–68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.02.002 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tudyka K., Pazdur A., De Vleeschouwer F., Lityńska-Zając M., Chróst L., Fagel N., 2017. Holocene elemental, lead isotope and charcoal record from peat in Southern Poland. Mires and Peat 19. https://doi.org/10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.257 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuła B., Wilczyński S., Monin L., Allan M., Pazdur A., Fagel N., 2017. Variations of tree ring width and chemical composition of wood of pine growing in the area nearby chemical factories. Geochronometria 44(1): 226–239. https://doi.org/10.1515/geochr-2015-0064 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Frank D.C., Poulter B., Saurer M., Esper J., Huntingford C., Helle G., Treydte K., Zimmermann N.E., Schleser G.H., Ahlström A., Ciais P., Friedlingstein P., Levis S., Lomas M., Sitch S., Viovy N., Andreu-Hayles L., Bednarz Z., Berninger F., Boettger T., D'alessandro C.M., Daux V., Filot M., Grabner M., Gutierrez E., Haupt M., Hilasvuori E., Jungner H., Kalela-Brundin M., Krapiec M., Leuenberger M., Loader N.J., Marah H., Masson-Delmotte V., Pazdur A., Pawelczyk S., Pierre M., Planells O., Pukiene R., Reynolds-Henne C.E., Rinne K.T., Saracino A., Sonninen E., Stievenard M., Switsur V.R., Szczepanek M., Szychowska-Krapiec E., Todaro L., Waterhouse J.S., Weigl M., 2015. Water-use efficiency and transpiration across European forests during the Anthropocene. Nature Climate Change 5(6): 579–583. https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2614 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Voelker S.L., Brooks J.R., Meinzer F.C., Roden J., Pazdur A., Pawelczyk S., Hartsough P., Snyder K., Plavcová L., Šantruček J., 2014. Reconstructing relative humidity from plant δ18O and δD as deuterium deviations from the global meteoric water line. Ecological Applications 24(5): 960–975. https://doi.org/10.1890/13-0988.1 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Kuc T., Pawełczyk S., Piotrowska N., Sensuła B., Rozanski K., 2013. Carbon isotope composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide in southern Poland: Imprint of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in regional biosphere. Radiocarbon 55(2-3): 848–864. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16286 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyńska D.J., Starkel L., Nalepka D., Pazdur A., 2013. Hydrological changes after the last ice retreat in northern Poland using radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon 55(2-3): 1712–1723. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16343 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuła B., Pazdur A., 2013. Influence of climate change on carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation factors between glucose and α-cellulose of pine wood. Geochronometria 40(2): 145–152. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-013-0104-y [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pánek T., Smolková V., Hradecký J., Sedláček J., Zernitskaya V., Kadlec J., Pazdur A., Řehánek T., 2013. Late-Holocene evolution of a floodplain impounded by the Smrdutá landslide, Carpathian Mountains (Czech Republic). Holocene 23(2): 218–229. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683612455539 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., Meadows J., 2013. Radiocarbon concentration in annual tree rings from the Salamanca region, Western Spain. Radiocarbon 55(2-3): 1533–1540. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16180 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Nadeau M.-J., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., Pawełczyk Sł., Piotrowska N., 2013. Radiocarbon method in environmental monitoring of CO2emission. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 294: 503–507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2012.07.017 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuła B., Pazdur A., 2013. Stable carbon isotopes of glucose received from pine tree-rings as bioindicators of local industrial emission of CO2in Niepołomice Forest (1950-2000). Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 49(4): 532–541. https://doi.org/10.1080/10256016.2013.865026 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tudyka K., Pazdur A., 2012. 14C dating with the icels liquid scintillation counting system using fixed-energy balance counting window method. Radiocarbon 54(2): 267–273. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_js_rc.v54i2.15832 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • De Vleeschouwer F., Pazdur A., Luthers C., Streel M., Mauquoy D., Wastiaux C., Le Roux G., Moschen R., Blaauw M., Pawlyta J., Sikorski J., Piotrowska N., 2012. A millennial record of environmental change in peat deposits from the Misten bog (East Belgium). Quaternary International 268: 44–57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2011.12.010 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michalska D., Pazdur A., Czernik J., Szczepaniak M., Zurakowska M., 2012. Cretaceous aggregate and reservoir effect in dating of binding materials. Geochronometria 40(1): 33–41. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-012-0020-6 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Dobrowolski R., Pidek I.A., Alexandrowicz W.P., Halas S., Pazdur A., Piotrowska N., Buczek A., Urban D., Melke J., 2012. Interdisciplinary studies of spring mire deposits from radzików (south podlasie lowland, east poland) and their significance for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Geochronometria 39(1): 10–29. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-011-0052-3 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Gaigalas A., Pazdur A., Michczynski A., Pawlyta J., Kleišmantas A., Melešyte M., Rudnickaite E., Kazakauskas V., Vainorius J., 2012. Peculiarities of sedimentation conditions in the oxbow lakes of Dubysa River (Lithuania). Geochronometria 40(1): 22–32. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-012-0025-1 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Starkel L., Michczyńska D.J., Kra̧piec M., Margielewski Wł., Nalepka D., Pazdur A., 2012. Progress in the holocene chrono-climatostratigraphy of Polish territory. Geochronometria 40(1): 1–21. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-012-0024-2 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Břízová E., Pazdur A., Piotrowska N., 2012. Upper Holocene development of vegetation and radiocarbon dating in the vicinity of the Cerhovka Brook (Bohemian-Moravian Uplands, Czech Republic). Geochronometria 39(4): 252–261. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-012-0016-2 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pánek T., Šilhán K., Tábořík P., Hradeckỳ J., Smolková V., Lenart J., Brázdil R., Kašičková L., Pazdur A., 2011. Catastrophic slope failure and its origins: Case of the May 2010 Girová Mountain long-runout rockslide (Czech Republic). Geomorphology 130(3-4): 352–364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.04.020 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Feurdean A., Peroiu A., Pazdur A., Onac B.P., 2011. Evaluating the palaeoecological potential of pollen recovered from ice in caves: A case study from Scrioara Ice Cave, Romania. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 165(1-2): 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2011.01.007 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuåa B.M., Pazdur A., Marais M.-F., 2011. First application of mass spectrometry and gas chromatography in investigation of α-cellulose hydrolysates: The influence of climate changes on glucose molecules in pine tree-rings. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25(4): 489–494. https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.4882 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tudyka K., Pawlyta J., Pazdur A., 2011. Fixed energy balance window quench correction for high precision LSC 14C dating. Radiation Measurements 46(10): 1176–1180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2011.07.030 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Perşoiu A., Pazdur A., 2011. Ice genesis and its long-term mass balance and dynamics in Scǎrişoara Ice Cave, Romania. Cryosphere 5(1): 45–53. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-5-45-2011 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuła B.M., Pazdur A., Bickerton J., Derrick P.J., 2011. Probing palaeoclimatology through quantitation by mass spectrometry of the products of enzyme hydrolysis of α-cellulose. Cellulose 18(2): 461–468. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-010-9490-y [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Margielewski W., Kolaczek P., Michczynski A., Obidowicz A., Pazdur A., 2011. Record of the meso- and neoholocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the jesionowa landslide peat bog (beskid sadecki mts. Polish outer carpathians). Geochronometria 38(2): 138–154. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13386-011-0014-9 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Piotrowska N., Vleeschouwer F.D., Sikorski J., Pawlyta J., Fagel N., Roux G.L., Pazdur A., 2010. Intercomparison of radiocarbon bomb pulse and 210Pb age models. A study in a peat bog core from North Poland. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268(7-8): 1163–1166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.124 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., Charro E., Villanueva J.L.G., Piotrowska N., 2010. Radiocarbon concentration in modern tree rings from Valladolid, Spain. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268(7-8): 1110–1112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.111 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tudyka K., Pazdur A., 2010. Radiocarbon dating of peat profile with metallurgy industry evidence. Geochronometria 35(1): 3–9. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-010-0007-3 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tudyka K., Pazdur A., Theodórsson P., Michczyński A., Pawlyta J., 2010. The application of ICELS systems for radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon 52(4): 1661–1666. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200056393 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Gabelmann O.U., Michczyński A., Pazdur A., Pawlyta J., 2009. Absolute radiocarbon chronology in the formative pottery production center of Santa Lucía, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Radiocarbon 51(2): 501–513. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200055880 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • De Vleeschouwer F., Fagel N., Cheburkin A., Pazdur A., Sikorski J., Mattielli N., Renson V., Fialkiewicz B., Piotrowska N., Le Roux G., 2009. Anthropogenic impacts in North Poland over the last 1300 years - A record of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni and S in an ombrotrophic peat bog. Science of the Total Environment 407(21): 5674–5684. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.07.020 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Mazurowski R.F., Michczyńska D.J., Pazdur A., Piotrowska N., 2009. Chronology of the early pre-pottery neolithic settlement tell Qaramel, Northern Syria, in the light of radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon 51(2): 771–781. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200056083 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensula B.M., Derrick P.J., Bickerton J.C., Pazdur A., 2009. Mass spectrometric study of glucose and cellobiose produced during enzymatic hydrolysis of a-cellulose extracted from oak late-wood annual ringsy. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23(13): 2070–2074. https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.4089 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rotnicki K., Alexandrowicz S.W., Pazdur A., Goslar T., Borówka R.K., 2009. Stages of the formation of the Łeba barrier-lagoon system on the basis of the geological cross-section near ra{ogonek}bka (Southern Baltic Coast, Poland). Studia Quaternaria 26: 3–24. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sokołowski T., Wacnik A., Wardas M., Pawlikowski M., Pazdur A., Madeja J., Woronko B., Madej P., 2008. Changes of natural environment in Kraków downtown - Its chronology and directions. case geoarchaeological studies of Krupnicza street site. Geochronometria 31(1): 7–19. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-008-0013-x [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., 2008. Variations of anthropogenic CO2in urban area deduced by radiocarbon concentration in modern tree rings. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99(10): 1558–1565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2007.12.007 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Nakamura T., Pawełczyk S., Pawlyta J., Piotrowska N., Rakowski A., Sensuła B., Szczepanek M., 2007. Carbon isotopes in tree rings: Climate and the suess effect interferences in the last 400 years. Radiocarbon 49(2): 775–788. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220004265X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyńska D.J., Michczyński A., Pazdur A., 2007. Frequency distribution of radiocarbon dates as a tool for reconstructing environmental changes. Radiocarbon 49(2): 799–806. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200042673 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michniewicz J., Nawrocka D., Pazdur A., Zurakowska M., 2007. Issue of actual chronology of a Romanesque chapel at the Wlen Castle (Lower Silesia, Poland) in the light of mortar radiocarbon dating. Geochronometria 26(1): 31–33. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10003-007-0010-5 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Nawrocka D.M., Michczyńska D.J., Pazdur A., Czernik J., 2007. Radiocarbon chronology of the ancient settlement in the Golan heights area, Israel. Radiocarbon 49(2): 625–637. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200042521 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyński A., Eeckhout P., Pazdur A., Pawlyta J., 2007. Radiocarbon dating of the temple of the monkey - The next step towards a comprehensive absolute chronology of Pachacamac, Peru. Radiocarbon 49(2): 565–578. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Treydte K., Frank D., Esper J., Andreu L., Bednarz Z., Berninger F., Boettger T., D'Alessandro C.M., Etien N., Filot M., Grabner M., Guillemin M.T., Gutierrez E., Haupt M., Helle G., Hilasvuori E., Jungner H., Kalela-Brundin M., Krapiec M., Leuenberger M., Loader N.J., Masson-Delmotte V., Pazdur A., Pawelczyk S., Pierre M., Planells O., Pukiene R., Reynolds-Henne C.E., Rinne K.T., Saracino A., Saurer M., Sonninen E., Stievenard M., Switsur V.R., Szczepanek M., Szychowska-Krapiec E., Todaro L., Waterhouse J.S., Weigl M., Schleser G.H., 2007. Signal strength and climate calibration of a European tree-ring isotope network. Geophysical Research Letters 34(24). https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GL031106 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawlyta J., Gaigalas A., MichczyÒski A., Pazdur A., Sanko A., 2007. Timescale for climatic events of subboreal/subatlantic transition recorded at the Valakupiai site, Lithuania. Radiocarbon 49(2): 889–897. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200042752 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Boettger T., Haupt M., Knöller K., Weise S.M., Waterhouse J.S., Rinne K.T., Loader N.J., Sonninen E., Jungner H., Masson-Delmotte V., Stievenard M., Guillemin M.-T., Pierre M., Pazdur A., Leuenberger M., Filot M., Saurer M., Reynolds C.E., Helle G., Schleser G.H., 2007. Wood cellulose preparation methods and mass spectrometric analyses of δ13C, δ18O, and nonexchangeable δ2H values in cellulose, sugar, and starch: An interlaboratory comparison. Analytical Chemistry 79(12): 4603–4612. https://doi.org/10.1021/ac0700023 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Sensuła B., Böttger T., Pazdur A., Piotrowska N., Wagner R., 2006. Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of organic matter and carbonates in recent lacustrine sediments. Geochronometria 25: 77–94. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Bruthans J., Filippi M., Geršl M., Zare M., Melková J., Pazdur A., Bosák P., 2006. Holocene marine terraces on two salt diapirs in the Persian Gulf, Iran: Age, depositional history and uplift rates. Journal of Quaternary Science 21(8): 843–857. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.1007 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Szczepanek M., Pazdur A., Pawełczyk S., Böttger T., Haupt M., Hałas S., Bednarz Z., Krapiec M., Szychowska-Krapiec E., 2006. Hydrogen, carbon and oxygen isotopes in pine and oak tree rings from Southern Poland as climatic indicators in years 1900-2003. Geochronometria 25: 67–76. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Filot M.S., Leuenberger M., Pazdur A., Boettger T., 2006. Rapid online equilibration method to determine the D/H ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen in cellulose. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 20(22): 3337–3344. https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.2743 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Korput S., Fogtman M., Szczepanek M., Hałas S., Kra̧piec M., Szychowska-Kra̧piec E., 2005. Carbon-13 in α-cellulose of aok latewood (Jȩdrzejów, Southern Poland) during the Maunder Minimum. Geological Quarterly 49(2): 165–172. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Fogtman M., Michczyński A., Pawlyta J., Zaja̧c M., 2004. 14C chronology of mesolithic sites from Poland and the background of environmental changes. Radiocarbon 46(2): 809–826. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200035840 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawełczyk S., Pazdur A., 2004. Carbon isotopic composition of tree rings as a tool for biomonitoring CO2level. Radiocarbon 46(2): 701–719. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220003575X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., 2004. Changes in radiocarbon concentration in modern wood from Nagoya, central Japan. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 223-224(SPEC. ISS.): 507–510. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2004.04.095 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A., Kuc T., Nakamura T., Pazdur A., 2004. Radiocarbon concentration in the atmosphere and modern tree rings in the Kraków area, southern Poland. Radiocarbon 46(2): 911–916. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyńska D.J., Pazdur A., 2004. Shape analysis of cumulative probability density function of radiocarbon dates set in the study of climate change in the Late Glacial and Holocene. Radiocarbon 46(2): 733–744. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200035773 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawelczyk S., Pazdur A., Halas S., 2004. Stable carbon isotopic composition of tree rings from a pine tree from Augustów wilderness, Poland, as a temperature and local environment conditions indicator. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 40(2): 145–154. https://doi.org/10.1080/10256010410001671032 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyńska D.J., Michczyński A., Pazdur A., Rotnicki K., 2004. Statistical analysis of radiocarbon dates as a tool for reconstruction of the environmental changes. Polish Geological Institute Special Papers 11: 109–112. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyński A., Eeckhout P., Pazdur A., 2003. 14C absolute chronology of Pyramid III and the dynastic model at Pachacamac, Peru. Radiocarbon 45(1): 59–73. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200032392 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Gradziński M., Górny A., Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., 2003. Origin of black coloured laminae in speleothems from the Kraków-Wieluń Upland, Poland. Boreas 32(3): 532–542. https://doi.org/10.1080/03009480310003414 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Dobrowolski R., Durakiewicz T., Pazdur A., 2002. Calcareous tufas in the soligenous mires of eastern Poland as an indicator of the Holocene climatic changes. Acta Geologica Polonica 52(1): 63–73. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Pawelczyk S., Pazdur A., 2001. Changes of14C concentration in modern trees from upper Silesia region, Poland. Radiocarbon 43(2 PART II): 679–687. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawlyta J., Pazdur A., Goslar T., Hałas S., 2001. Influence of the bomb-produced14C on the radiocarbon concentration in the youngest sediments of Lake GośCia̧ż, Central Poland. Radiocarbon 43(2 PART II): 831–841. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Kra̧piec M., Michczyński A., Ossowski W., 2001. Radiocarbon and dendrochronological dating of logboats from Poland. Radiocarbon 43(2 PART I): 403–415. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Koumouzelis M., Ginter B., Kozlowski J.K., Pawlikowski M., Bar-Yosef O., Albert R.M., Litynska-Zajac M., Stworzewicz E., Wojtal P., Lipecki G., Tomek T., Bochenski Z.M., Pazdur A., 2001. The early upper palaeolithic in Greece: The excavations in klisoura cave. Journal of Archaeological Science 28(5): 515–539. https://doi.org/10.1006/jasc.2000.0599 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Goslar T., Hercman H., Pazdur A., 2000. Comparison of U-series and radiocarbon dates of speleothems. Radiocarbon 42(3): 403–414. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200030332 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Goslar T., Pawlyta M., Hercman H., Gradziński M., 1999. Variations of isotopic composition of carbon in the karst environment from southern Poland, present and past. Radiocarbon 41(1): 81–97. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200019354 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawlyta J., Pazdur A., Rakowski A.Z., Miller B.F., Harkness D.D., 1998. Commissioning of a Quantulus 1220™ liquid scintillation beta spectrometer for measuring 14C and 3H at natural abundance levels. Radiocarbon 40(1): 201–209. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Michczyński A., Pazdur A., 1998. Estimation of gas purity in a CO2-filled proportional counter by rise-time analysis. Radiocarbon 40(1): 137–142. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Rakowski A.Z., Pazdu M.F., Pazdur A., Miller B.F., 1996. Anthropogenic changes of the isotopic composition of atmospheric carbon in Upper Silesia. Acta Geologica Hungarica 39(SUPPL.): 160–162. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pawlyta J., Pazdur A., Pawlyta M., 1996. First comparison of the gas proportional counters and liquid scintillation spectrometry used in the Gliwice radiocarbon laboratory. Acta Geologica Hungarica 39(SUPPL.): 154–156. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Starkel L., Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Wicik B., Wieckowski K., 1996. Lake-level and groundwater-level changes in the Lake Gosciaz area, Poland: Palaeoclimatic implications. Holocene 6(2): 213–224. https://doi.org/10.1177/095968369600600207 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., 1996. Paleoenvironmental isotope record in the freshwater carbonate sediments. Acta Geologica Hungarica 39(SUPPL.): 157–159. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Goslar T., Michczyńska D.J., Michczyński A., Pawlyta J., 1996. Radiocarbon chronometry in quaternary research in Poland,chronometria radiowȩglowa w badaniach czwartorzȩdu w Polsce. Biuletyn - Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 373: 134–145. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Fontugne M.R., Goslar T., Pazdur M.F., 1995. Lateglacial and holocene water-level changes of the Gościa̧ż Lake, Central Poland, derived from carbon isotope studies of laminated sediment. Quaternary Science Reviews 14(2): 125–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/0277-3791(94)00124-T [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Pawlyta J., Gorny A., Olszewski M., 1995. Paleoclimatic implications of radiocarbon dating of speleothems from the Krakow-Wielun Upland, southern Poland. Radiocarbon 37(2): 103–110. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur M.F., Bluszcz A., Pazdur A., Morawiecka I., 1995. Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence studies of the karst pipe systems in southwest England and south Wales. Radiocarbon 37(2): 111–117. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220003054X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Krzyszkowski D., Choma-Moryl K., Kuszell T., Malkiewicz M., Pazdur A., 1995. Vistulian lake deposits in Jaroszow, Sudeten foreland, SW Poland: preliminary results and perspectives for future investigations,Wistulianskie osady jeziorne w Jaroszowie, Przedgorze Sudeckie: wstepne wyniki i perspektywy dalszych badan. Przeglad Geologiczny 43(2): 141–146. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur M.F., Awsiuk R., Goslar T., Pazdur A., Walanus A., Zastawny A., 1994. Gliwice radiocarbon dates XI. Radiocarbon 36(2): 257–279. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200040558 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Zastawny A., 1994. Gliwice radiocarbon dates XII. Radiocarbon 36(2): 281–302. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220004056X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Goslar T., Wicik B., Arnold M., 1994. Radiocarbon chronology of late Glacial and Holocene sedimentation and water-level changes in the area of the Gosciaz Lake Basin. Radiocarbon 36(2): 187–202. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200040492 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Goslar T., Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., 1992. Isotopic composition of carbon in the youngest part of the laminated sediment of Lake Gosciaz. Special Paper - Geological Survey of Finland 14: 87–93. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., 1990. Further investigations on14C dating of calcareous tufa. Radiocarbon 32(1): 17–22. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200039916 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Goslar T., Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Walanus A., 1990. Radiocarbon and varve chronologies of annually laminated lake sediments of Gosciaz Lake, central Poland. Radiocarbon 31(3): 940–947. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur M.F., Awsiuk R., Goslar T., Pazdur A., 1990. Systematic biases in results of the International Collaborative Study and their probable sources. Radiocarbon 32(3): 289–294. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220001290X [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Starkel L., Szulc J., 1988. Stable isotopes of Holocene calcareous tufa in southern Poland as paleoclimatic indicators. Quaternary Research 30(2): 177–189. https://doi.org/10.1016/0033-5894(88)90022-1 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Nowaczyk B., Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., Awsiuk R., 1985. ( Stratigraphy and conditions of dune development at Pomorsko near Sulechow - new studies).,Stratygrafia i warunki rozwoju wydmy w Pomorsku kolo Sulechowa w swietle nowych badan.. Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia, Seria A, Geografia Fizyczna 35: 103–127. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., Padzur M.F., 1982. ( Isotopic composition of carbon in recent stalagmites and stalactites).,Sklad izotopowy wegla we wspolczesnych stalagmitach i stalakytach.. Kwartalnik Geologiczny 26(3-4): 675–684. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Nowaczyk B., Ostoja-Zagorski J., Pazdur A., Romanowska-Grabowska O., 1982. ( Water-level changes in Lake Wolskie reflected in archaeological research and radiocarbon datings).,Zmiany poziomu wod w Jeziorze Wolskim w swietle badan archeologiczynch i datowanmetoda C-14.. Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia, Seria A, Geografia Fizyczna 34: 141–148. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Goslar E., Pazdur A., Pazdur M.F., 1982. Radiocarbon dating of the supposed corpse of Prince Jeremi Wisniowiecki. Archiwum Medycyny Sadowej i Kryminologii 32(3-4): 77–80. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Tobolski K., Pazdur M.F., Pazdur A., Awsiuk R., Bluszcz A., Walanus A., 1981. The radiocarbon dating of subfossil wood from the bars of the Gardno- Leba Lowland.. Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia, Seria A, Geografia Fizyczna 33: 133–148. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur M.F., Awsiuk R., Pazdur A., Walanus A., 1980. Interlaboratory cross-check dating at Gliwice radiocarbon laboratory.. Quaestiones Geographicae 6: 79–81. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Awsiuk R., Niedzialkowska E., Pazdur A., Pazdur M., Starkel L., Walanus A., 1980. Preliminary results of studies on the age of the Holocene alluvia at the left bank of the Wisloka river near Debica.. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 33–42. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur M.F., Pazdur A., 1980. Radiocarbon dating of calcareous gyttja sediments of north Polish lakes.. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 27(1): 25–36. [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., 1979. An experimental method for studying thermal diffusion in mixtures containing the adsorbable gas Rn. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 12(9): 1485–1494. https://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/12/9/010 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Pazdur A., 1979. On the application of a proportional counter to continuous monitoring of 222Rn concentration in the study of thermal diffusion in RnCO2 mixture. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 161(1): 123–129. https://doi.org/10.1016/0029-554X(79)90369-0 [Scopus - Elsevier]
  • Bluszcz A., Pazdur A., 1979. Some physical problems of very low 222Rn concentration measurements with the proportional counter. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 167(2): 299–303. https://doi.org/10.1016/0029-554X(79)90018-1 [Scopus - Elsevier]

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